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Lesson Policies


  • I try to be as accommodating as possible for my students, so if you have extenuating circumstances in scheduling / attendance, please send me a message


  • For adults that have a work schedule that changes week-to-week, please send a message so that we can try to arrange a schedule that will work for both of us


  • For any situations not covered by this policy sheet, please contact me.

Thank you! - Bret


  • Cancellation of a lesson must be made at least 24 hours prior to the scheduled lesson time in order to receive a make-up lesson credit



  • No-shows or failure to cancel within 24 hours is considered a forfeited lesson


  • There are NO refunds on unused, missed or cancelled lessons


  • Should you decide to take a break, unused lessons can be banked for you for a period of 90 days. Unused lessons after that time will be considered forfeited


  • Should you decide to stop taking lessons altogether, please let me know 2 weeks in advance so that I may open up that time slot to another student


  • My lesson studio is closed for Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, New Year's Eve & New Year’s Day. I don’t usually close for regular school holidays such as Presidents’ Day, Columbus Day, Spring Break, etc. Unless I send out a notice, your lesson will be on!


Make-Up Lessons


  • Any lessons cancelled at least 24 hours ahead of the scheduled lesson will receive a make-up lesson credit to be used at a time convenient to both me and the student


  • Typically, make-up lessons take place at an alternate time/day within the week. In some cases, the make-up can be added after/before the regular lesson time, enabling the student to have an hour lesson


  • It is the student or parent’s responsibility to schedule make-up lessons. They can be booked via email


  • Make-up lesson credits not used after 45 days will be considered forfeited


  • No-shows or cancellations within 24 hours forfeits your make-up credit and cannot be rescheduled


  • Make-up lesson credits have no cash value and cannot be used to prorate payment for a future month


  • If I am out sick or need to cancel for an event, you will receive a make-up credit.


  • Lesson fees are a flat-rate


  • Make-up credits are not given for more than 2 cancellations in a 60-day period



  • Lesson tuition is billed on a monthly basis: $100 for 30-minute weekly lessons; $200 for 60-minute weekly lessons. In some cases your weekly lesson will be in a month where there are 5 lessons, i.e. 5 Tuesdays in March. In this case, please add $25 for that month's payment; or $50 if you are an hourly student


  • Tuition is always due by the first lesson of each month


  • Payments are made directly to me via Venmo, PayPal or Zelle. I can also accept credit/debit card payments, but the other methods are preferred

  • For your convenience, a payment reminder can be sent via email at the beginning of each month

  • There are no refunds on unused or cancelled lessons

Updated January 2025

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